Dave Clark

Kolanowski Studio

Dave Clark says, “Life is unpredictable, fascinating, and chaotic—all ideas reflected in my work. Approaching life with a touch of sarcasm and humor allows me to engage with these realities and keep a somewhat level head. All my work is a record of my own personal perceptions translated into objects and images. My sculpture often reflects those experiences through forms from a dreamlike dystopian world. The viewer is invited to experience the narrative of each piece, which is intended to pose questions rather than provide answers—encouraging viewers to decipher the story or try to make sense of the object for themselves. Though the works often reflect a sarcastic darkness, they are not intended to present a fatalistic view. Instead, they are meant to express life’s complexities, challenge our societal priorities, and consider potential outcomes. Within each sculpture lies a hidden hope often representing our resilience.”
Upon earning his BFA from Oklahoma State University, Clark returned to his home base in Southern California to carve out a career as an artist in the entertainment field. After 20 years in that industry, he moved to Texas in 2010 to teach and spend more time creating his own works. Drawing from his experiences as a fine artist and his work in the entertainment complex, Clark creates unusual combinations of landscapes as though cobbled together in the aftermath of destruction—suggestive of dystopian objects and surreal story settings. With shows throughout the country, he recently received awards from the 20th Annual Sculpture Garden Exhibition, Houston Visual Arts Alliance 40th Juried Membership Exhibition, Redbud Arts Center; International Sculpture Center, Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture Award, Hamilton, New Jersey; San Angelo State University Graduate, Ceramic Juried Exhibition; Texas National Competition and Exhibition, Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches; and The Kemp Center for the Arts, Arts Council Wichita Falls.